Looking for a spiritual healing community?


Join Spiritual Badassery Mastery Inner Circle!


This is a powerful inner circle of badass souls who are learning to master every area of their life, mastering emotional intelligence, healing the past, and becoming one with their soul and Source.


Schedule A Free Discovery Call

Powerful Community Support

SBM is a sanctuary for like-minded individuals who are committed to personal and spiritual growth. By joining, you'll become part of a supportive community that understands and embraces your unique journey. Connect with fellow Spiritual Badasses, share experiences, and receive guidance and encouragement along the way. This program offers additional accountability call to support you in staying on track with your goals and dreams.

Master Your Emotions, Master Your Life

Emotions are energy in motion. Having emotional intelligence is a crucial skill for navigating life's challenges and fostering healthy relationships. In SBM, you'll receive comprehensive guidance and tools to help you understand and regulate your emotions effectively. By mastering emotional intelligence, you'll enhance your self-awareness, improve your communication skills, and develop deeper connections with others.

Transform Trauma Into Treasure

This program recognizes that healing past wounds is an integral part of personal growth. Through various techniques, including hypnosis, pranic healing, meditation, and energy healing, you are guided toward releasing emotional baggage, trauma, and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. As you heal the past, you'll experience greater clarity, inner peace, and the freedom to create a joyful and fulfilling future.

Soul Alignment & Create Miracles

There is a strong emphasis on connecting with your authentic self and aligning with your soul's purpose. Through healing, conscious shifts, and unlocking your unique gifts and talents, you'll deepen your connection to your soul and Creator. This alignment empowers you to take soul-aligned action toward creating the life of your dreams. When you get into alignment, you are in flow with the Universe and that's when magic happens.

Schedule a Free Call With Kelsey Grace!

Meet 1:1 with Kelsey Grace to see if it is in alignment to join this Inner Circle. You get to meet Kelsey Grace personally and ask any questions you have. 

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call!

Tapping into your Spiritual Badass self will not only change your life, but it will help you...

  • Develop a rockstar mindset and eliminate self-limiting beliefs that hinder your growth.
  • Embrace healing by acknowledging and addressing all aspects of yourself that have unconsciously influenced your life for years.
  • Learn how to become a master manifester to create the life of your dreams.
  • Embrace a state of high-frequency vibrations to effortlessly attract abundance, people, and opportunities into your life!
  • Fearlessly forge your own path without feeling the need to apologize.
  • Experience complete fulfillment and abundance on your own terms.
  • Go from feeling stuck to experiencing immense freedom to express your true self.
  • Utilize powerful guided meditations to release stagnant energy and reconnect with your inner badass.
  • Rewrite your relationship with money, enabling you to claim the wealth that has always been within your reach.
  • Learn to access true wealth through frequency and energetics.
  • Looking for your soulmate? Heal to open yourself up to finally let the love you deserve in. 
  • Fulfill your deepest desires or elevate the current relationship you are into a higher level.
  • And an abundance of other transformative experiences await!

Cheyenne L.

"I am amazed at the depth of work & practices that build this program into a phoenix work of art. Each session is packed with soul work that challenges me...I'm experiencing huge shifts in my soul, loving each part of who I am and forming an authentic sense of self that is strong, resilient, and capable of achieving all my goals & dreams."

Stacey N.

"I have never worked with a coach who supported me the way Kelsey has. She stuck with me even in my darkest days helping me find the light, overcoming loss, scarcity, fear, and so much more!"

Shawna S.

"I wasn't sure if Kelsey could help me, but I took a leap of faith and she cracked me open. I am opening my heart and learning to love myself on a much deeper level than ever before."

Ready to experience miracles through the power of healing? 

Schedule a 1:1 with Kelsey Grace to learn more and see how this program can radically change your life. The time is now to heal and take back your power to create the most extraordinary life you are meant to live!

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call!